Why is speaking English so important?

Today more than ever, it is important to speak English. The cost of making a phone or VoIP call is so low that you can talk with any of your customers or clients around the world.  Moreover, the language for such business is English. This means that you need to understand and be understood in spoken English.

Your instrument is your voice and like musicians, the best way to improve is through dedicated practice. However, musician practice scales. What can a new speaker of English practice? The language equivalent of a scale is a spoken sentence. By listening to a native English speaker and creating the same sounds you can develop the necessary muscle control within your larynx, throat and mouth to generate clear spoken English.

Feedback is the next critical element. A native English speaker could possibly provide insight if he or she were available to listen to you every spoken English word. However it is not practical, affordable or convenient. Technology and computers provide a better solution. The Speaking Lab provides visual feedback of your spoken English as well as audio playback and visual guidance of the original sound that you are trying to reproduce. Scoring further adds numerical dimension to analysis thus allowing you to improve your spoken English in the most comfortable and tolerant environment possible.

Back to the musician metaphor, the Q English Speaking Lab provides dedicated and unlimited speaking practice.  After using the Speaking Lab, the next time you dial your customer to discuss business you are sure to feel greater speaking confidence with English. Practice with the Q English Speaking Lab will allow you to focus better on your customer and your business.

The Q English Speaking Lab offers the technological platform for individual vocal practice with digital analysis and feedback of your performance. Practice calmly and methodically until you reach your desired level of perfection spoken English.

Using your English with your friends is good for your performance skills but it does not achieve the same results of dedicated speaking practice with the Q English Speaking Lab. Working with the Speaking Lab allows you to refine your English speaking ability with individual words, phrases and words within phrases.

Much like a musician, practice is a personal task that brings personal rewards. Good practice makes for great performances.abuiyad